Streamline email traffic
More and more e-mails and fewer and fewer letters, that is the reality. E-mail therefore has many advantages over paper mail. It is faster and therefore more interactive. Addressing is easier, even if you approach a lot of people. And the costs are very low.
Almost all of those advantages can also turn out to be disadvantages. How do you monitor the professional image of your company, if your employees communicate with your customers and other business relations every day via countless small messages? Not on your beautiful stationery, not according to a well thought-out structure? Without the tools Word provides to streamline document production?
Outlook can also do it faster, smarter and more beautiful. RO-iT makes smart use of the possibilities in Office to offer you tools in Outlook. With Documentor for Outlook, every message looks recognizable and well-groomed. And for the content, you can choose from text blocks.